
Hi Guys,

The only thing you need to know about me is that I love men. I LOOOOOOOOOVE you guys. So much, I will probably marry one of you someday. But not yet. Right now I am a serial dater.  Let’s just say, I am exploring the smorgasbord of male awesomeness that exists.

This has taught me a lot about myself and in particular what it means to be a woman in a world full of men. And I am not done learning, so  I’m here to share my experiences from 3 decades of loving and being loved by men and to learn more about you and myself in the process. And although I am writing to men, I am talking to everyone. First and foremost, to myself. My hope is that you will find some truth to what I say that you can apply to your own life, that you will find some of it inspiring, and that it will make it a little easier for you to understand yourself and members of the other sex.

I also hope that you will talk back to me!! I want to talk with you about what it means to be you, what it’s like to be me, what it means to be alive, and what it means to love someone. Please write to me.



(Oh yeah, and before I forget: All rights reserved and stuff. © 2013 Moxie Kline. Bam!)

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